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Cartwright-Roblin FAQs

1. Where is the Municipal Office located and what hours are they open?

Cartwright-Roblin Municipal Office is located at 485 Curwen Street in Cartwright, Manitoba. It is open Monday to Friday from 8:30-4:30 and closed from noon to 1pm daily. The Office is closed on all statutory holidays

2.  Where is the Waste Transfer Site and what hours is it open?

The Waste Transfer Site is located north of Cartwright with its access road just west of the Badger Creek Park. 

Waste Transfer Site Hours :

Spring/Summer Hours

April 15 - September 30th

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

9 am - 2 pm


6 pm - 8 pm

Fall/Winter Hours

October 1 - April 14

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 

9 am - 2 pm  

3. When is Garbage & Recycling Pick Up for the community of Mather?

All Mather Garbage & Recycling is picked up on WEDNESDAYS

4. When is Commercial Garbage & Recycling Pick Up for the community of Cartwright?

All Cartwright GARBAGE is picked up on WEDNESDAYS

All Cartwright RECYCLING is picked up on THURSDAYS

5. Where can I get a Recycling Blue Bin?

A recycling Blue Bin is a part of your Welcome Wagon package from the Cartwright Roblin CDC. If you have recently moved to the area and have not received yours please contact April at or call 204-529-2307 

6. Who do I contact regarding burial in Cartwright or Mather cemeteries?

To inquire about a burial in the Cartwright Cemetery please get in touch with the municipal office for the contact number at 204-529-2363

To inquire about a burial in the Mather Cemetery please get in touch with the municipal office for the contact number at 204-529-2363

7. What do I do if I see a skunk, or raccoon in town?

Cartwright-Roblin Municipal Public Works has a live trap that can be lent out. The caught animal is the homeowner's responsibility.

8. How do I get a new approach or culvert?

To request an approach, or culvert please fill out a Work Request form. Work Request forms are available in the municipal office or here Work Request

9.  Can I get my rural lane bladed (farms and acreage)

Each rural property is entitled to one FREE lane blading a year, any additional blades will come with a charge. To request your lane blade please fill out the form at Rural Lane Blading

10. What do I do if I find deceased wildlife on my property and suspect poaching?

If you suspect poaching please call 204-534-0693

11. When are taxes due?

Taxes are due on October 30th of each year or the Friday before if the 30th lands on a Saturday or Sunday.

All added taxes are due on the date specified on the bill.

12. Where do I find information on property assessment?

The local Assessment Office (Intergovernmental Affairs & Trade) is located at 101 – 11th Street in Morden, MB. You can also contact them by telephone at (204) 822–2900 or 1-866-606-7647. They can provide further detail on your assessment(s).

13. Who do I contact regarding Land Titles?

To find information regarding Land Titles and Personal Property Registry, contact TeranetManitoba or call 1-844-737-5684 . Teranet is the exclusive service provider for Manitoba’s Land Titles Registry and Personal Property Registry. Teranet provides certification of titles to land, maintains land and survey records, and administers the registration of financial interests in personal property for the Province of Manitoba.

14. How do I remove the name of a deceased person from our jointly held land title(s)?

This process is called a Survivorship Request, please be aware there is a cost to this service. 

To submit your request with Teranet you will need the following:

- The original death certificate OR a notarized copy

- Your Title number (s)

- Your complete legal name, including all middle names

- Your current and complete mailing address

- Your phone number and email address

- The deceased's complete legal name

- The death certificate number

For more assistance and to file your request, please contact Teranet directly 1-844-737-5684 or  TeranetManitoba 

15. Who do I contact to get a survey done of my property?

To hire a Land Surveyor, please go to the Association of Manitoba Land Surveyors for a list of surveyors in Manitoba.  or call their office (204) 943-6972.

16. How often is a property assessment done?

Property assessments are done every two years by the provincial assessment office.  They evaluate properties and check to see whether the assessed values of residential and commercial properties in the municipality conform to their actual market value.  

 17. What forms of payment does the municipal office accept?

Cartwright-Roblin Municipal Office accepts payments in:

  • cash
  • cheque
  • e-transfer please contact for the correct E-transfer address 
  • via online banking (CIBC, Westoba Credit Union, Scotia Bank) please use your 9digit account number 
  • Debit (in office) NO credit cards or Visa Debit at this time

 18. When is the water utility notices invoice for the community of Cartwright?

Utility invoices come out quarterly (March, June, September, December) 

19. Who do I speak to before constructing a fence, building a deck, building a structure, or renovating a current one?

Before building or renovating, please check with the Building Inspector/Development Officer. You can find his contact information at

20. Where can I buy a municipal ownership map?

Maps can be purchased at the Municipal Office, or ordered directly from Repromap 204-638-3584 or email